About Us
The viaMINT-Team
There are many creative minds and dedicated people behind viaMINT. You will know some of them from the videos - others are working in background.
The general contact email for our team is: <viamint@haw-hamburg.de>
Here is a brief overview of the current viaMINT team
Active Team
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karin Landenfeld <Karin.Landenfeld@haw-hamburg.de>
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Schmolitzky <Axel.Schmolitzky@haw-hamburg.de>
Academic Staff
Technical development and administration
- Niels Gandraß (M. Sc. Informatik) <Niels.Gandrass@haw-hamburg.de>
- Marcel Röthke (B. Sc. Informatik) <Marcel.Roethke@haw-hamburg.de>
Content development and coordination
- Jonas Priebe (Dipl. Physik) <Jonas.Priebe@haw-hamburg.de>
- Hanna Meyer zu Hörste (M. A. Media and Communication) <Hanna.MeyerzuHoerste@haw-hamburg.de>
Student Staff
- Leif Bremer
Former Employees
In alphabetical order.
Academic Staff
- Björn Bettzüche
- Malte Eckhoff
- Dr. Andreas Edom
- Dr. Martin Göbbels
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herster
- Antonia Hintze
- Sven Janzen
- Charlotte Jaus
- Felix Koch
- Johann Mellin
- Jana Sierk
- Benjamin Bodo Salewski
- Sarah Strathmann (ehemals: Düsterhus)
- Prof. Dr. Lubov Vassilevskaya
- Dr.-Ing. Marita Wendt
- Johannes Wittmar
- Emira Zorgati
Student Staff
- Luis Arndt
- Wolfgang Bach
- Nils Bleich
- Henri Burau
- Silva Gigar
- Jan-Philipp Harms
- Annika Herzog
- Lenard Heß
- Milena Hippler
- Jonas Janke
- Niklas Janssen-Siebert
- Michael Jordan Gandolfo
- Henning Kahl
- Jonas Kindel
- Moritz Koch
- Lennart Kolfhaus
- Helena Lajevardi
- Celine Neeser
- Ricky Rusli
- Franek Stark
- Norman Stetter
- Alexander Steudel
- Markus Trockel
- David-Hauke Wedler
- Hanna Werner
- Jan Witt